Tuesday, July 05, 2005

But without you ,
All I'm going to be is incomplete ;

Ladies and gentlemen. Behold, the gravity-defying coin ! Look on and stare in amazement now ! Fly coin, fly ! PLOP.

... Walao.

Music from Backstreet Boys and Westlife ! Haha, I'm hooked to them again ! Especially ' Incomplete '. Songs by them are currently playing in the background. (: Like, who listen to punk rock on sucha cold, draggy evening, drenched in golden warm sunshine. xD

In life, everywhere, people seek love. But where else could one uncover greater hurt than what love brings. Yet people still continue the endless search for just that one similar thing- love. Maybe, just maybe. The feeling of being loved far surpasses the hurt it brings alongside, the memories of loving erase off the upcoming dreadings of hurt. Romance novels, love tragedies, we've heard them all. But what you hear and what you feel are two different stories altogether. When a gripping warm sensation grab you, hard. That is when you can say, this is love.

Mm. Enough talk, I'mma go study for my physics practical exam ! And homework too. Yes I know. Hardworking, eh. I know. ><

All I've ever search for in life, is you. ):


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